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5. Indeed, many psychiatrists agree that it can be a a good idea tool in getting better mental health. One of the iconic origami birds is the paper crane, and there are many ways to craft it. The crane symbolizes peace and good luck, making it a good gift for friends who may be facing hardship of their lives. Another beloved bird is the parrot, which is normally associated with happiness and healing. These lovable little creatures can be crafted in just five minutes and require minimal components. Finally, the paper hummingbird is an outstanding project for starting origami lovers. With only 16 folds required and its straightforward nature, this project is good even for novices. Once you become proficient at making an origami bird, you can start exploring other types of paper animals. Origami insects require more folding as sections for legs and antennae must be formed. Are you curious to bear in mind the symbolism behind origami birds? Look no further than this list of 10 classes and videos that will teach you all about them! There's even some tutorials for more odd creatures such as the paper dragon - an animal found in Asian folklore which pulls elements from Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese dragons while remaining its own unique beast!5.

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